Climate change doesn’t come and go with the seasons

September 21st, 2021
CategoriesFrom Our CEO

We are in the midst of another very active hurricane season. Historically, the U.S. has averaged about three named storms making landfall per year. But in 2020, 11 named storms made landfall and in 2021, we've already seen eight.

Perennially at this time of year, the business world and media talks more about extreme weather and its impacts, yet this is a crisis that needs attention year-round.

Here at BlueHub we have long been focused on climate change and environmental justice, working to mitigate the negative effects for the communities we serve, while also ensuring they benefit from clean energy advances.

We’ve invested in affordable housing projects that go above and beyond to make their buildings more green and efficient, bringing financial benefits to both the owners and tenants. For example, The Coile in Newport News, VA is piloting a new panelized construction that will increase energy efficiency and bring down building costs.

But what about existing structures? We are taking what we’ve learned about financing energy efficiency improvements to provide expertise and financing so borrowers can take advantage of all the available enhancements. To start thinking about clean energy upgrades:

  1. Collect data and identify pain points—what energy or building problems are you trying to solve?
  2. Plan ahead to implement and finance those improvements.
  3. Partner with experts to design and execute.

The climate crisis is here. Every project—new build or rehabilitating an existing structure—needs a plan to mitigate the risk of extreme weather, reduce energy usage and carbon emissions, improve resident comfort and safety, and stabilize ever-rising energy costs. Please reach out if you need assistance in this area.


-Elyse Cherry, CEO of BlueHub Capital