National Community Reinvestment Coalition Honors BCC With Esteemed James Rouse Award

April 20th, 2011

On Friday, April 15th in Washington, DC, during the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s 2011 Annual Conference ceremonial awards dinner, Boston Community Capital was honored with the esteemed James Rouse Award for their outstanding work and extraordinary contributions made to its surrounding community.  The award recognizes the most outstanding urban non-profit that best promotes fair and equal access to credit and capital.

John Taylor, President and CEO of NCRC, had this to say in tribute to the honorable work of Boston Community Capital: “Through its great workforce and mission, Boston Community Capital exemplifies the movement for fair access to capital and credit.  Boston Community Capital is not standing by waiting for Washington to create change in its community; it’s creating and making change happen every day."

Read the NCRC press release.