Increasing access to quality healthcare
Life expectancy in the US is directly tied to the neighborhood that someone calls home. In BlueHub's base of Boston, MA, for example, those in the wealthier Back Bay area live to 90, on average, while their neighbors two miles away in the low-wealth area of of Roxbury—a predominantly Black neighborhood—have a life expectancy of 60. BlueHub Loan Fund finances projects that address the social determinants of health as well as projects that provide healthcare, wellness programming and other supports that directly improve resident health outcomes.
Inquire about a community development loan
Our healthcare financing work
Residents of the economically and racially segregated low-income communities BlueHub supports are disproportionately and negatively impacted by social determinants of health. We partner with nonprofit operators of health centers, most typically Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), to finance real estate projects that promote improved health in low-income communities. BlueHub often finances healthcare centers that are co-located with affordable housing developments, grocery stores and educational institutions.
What we offer
We are creative, accessible, relationship lenders.
At BlueHub Loan Fund, we customize our financing to match the needs of each borrower and project. We are life-cycle lenders, supporting projects throughout their development cycles, from early stage predevelopment and acquisition financing, to permanent loans, and every financing need in between. We also provide technical assistance when and where it is needed to help healthcare projects access financing.