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For Investors

Investing in people and communities for an inclusive future

Our investors align their money with their values. They get a return, both financial and social. And in BlueHub, they get a partner that delivers on their goals.

Our investors include individuals, religious organizations, civic organizations, businesses, foundations and financial institutions. They’re invested in projects and organizations that make a difference—creating affordable housing, educating children and providing access to healthcare, healthy food and vital community services.

Meet our investors

Investors have the ability to choose which BlueHub program they wish to fund. Each program has different funding needs at different times and available investment opportunities differ for each program.

  • One Percent for America is reducing financial barriers to obtaining citizenship. Now accepting investments.
  • BlueHub Loan Fund lends for community and economic development. Now accepting investments.
  • BlueHub SUN prevents foreclosure and eviction through mortgage lending.
  • BlueHub Energy develops energy resiliency and renewable energy.

Current Investment Opportunities

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One Percent for America

BlueHub's newest initiative, One Percent for America, is making citizenship a reality for thousands of future Americans.


One Percent for America (OPA) provides borrowers seeking citizenship with 1% loans, free financial education and passionate community support. Your investment does more than deliver a financial return. It changes lives and enriches our nation.

When you invest in future citizens, you invest in all of us. Help remove financial barriers to citizenship through a loan, donation or corporate sponsorship, or through foundational support.

Learn more about OPA

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BlueHub Loan Fund

BlueHub Loan Fund helps connect low-income communities with flexible financing to generate equitable and inclusive economic opportunity.

Since 1985, BlueHub Loan Fund has deployed over $2 billion to finance a wide range of real estate-related projects, thanks in part to funding provided by impact investors.

When you invest with BlueHub Loan Fund, you join more than 350 like-minded investors who enable community development projects that build healthier neighborhoods from Boston to Baton Rouge.

Bridgespan Social Impact named BlueHub Loan Fund to its list of funds working towards economic opportunity. The list is meant to help investors begin their due diligence. BlueHub Loan Fund is also included in the American Sustainable Business Network's list of CDFIs that accept individual impact investments to provide capital in underserved communities across the US. 

Learn more about BlueHub Loan Fund

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BlueHub Capital has a AA+ rating for its financial strength and performance and an impact management rating of four stars from Aeris®, the rating and information service for impact investments. See BlueHub's latest Aeris Rating Certificate.

BlueHub Loan Fund has an “A+” rating with stable outlook from S&P Global Ratings. Read S&P’s report.

All BlueHub Loan Fund investors have been repaid on time and in full.

Review BlueHub Loan Fund’s audited financials

Banks that purchase equity equivalents (EQ2s) receive Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit for a proportionate share of the CDFI’s entire lending activity annually, greatly enhancing the CRA credit of the investment.

BlueHub Loan Fund offers financial institutions an opportunity to generate impact over the long term through investment via an EQ2 product. The EQ2 is a subordinate, below-market debt issued to support CDFIs in two ways: it provides critical capital that not only enables the Loan Fund to finance the long-term needs of borrowers, but also to secure additional senior debt by providing supplemental equity-like capital to the balance sheet

Interested in joining the 20+ large- and medium-sized lenders who have made an EQ2 investment in BlueHub? Contact us at invest@bluehubcapital.org.

EQ2s are subordinate to all other lenders to the Loan Fund, and repayment is not required if that repayment would put the Loan Fund out of compliance with any senior creditors, including violation of permanent capital and liquidity requirements.

Investments in BlueHub Capital are unsecured and not insured by the FDIC nor any governmental or private entity. An investment in BlueHub Capital does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of offers to purchase, debt securities in those states where the registration of such debt securities is required by state securities law. Please contact us for more information.

BlueHub Loan Fund Impact


Units of affordable housing built, preserved or enhanced


Students served at high-quality schools and youth programs


Square feet of new and renovated commercial real estate and community facilities

Interested in investing? Contact us.

Email us at invest@bluehubcapital.org or fill out our investment inquiry form below.

BlueHub Investor Interest Form

Meet our experts

Rachel Serotta

Vice President of Investor Relations, Capital Strategies and Development Investor Relations & Communications

Rachel cultivates, builds and strengthens relationships with new and existing funders, and oversees investor relations processes and procedures.

Erin Shull

Senior Communications and Investor Relations Analyst Investor Relations & Communications

Erin helps plan and execute BlueHub’s overall external relations goals and supports the investor relations and communications operations.

Our Impact