Annual Reports & Financial Statements

Since 1985, BlueHub Capital has invested over $2.8 billion to bolster underserved communities. Our annual reports give a detailed view of the impact of our investments in the given year. Our audited financial statements provide an analysis of BlueHub’s financial performance.

Annual Reports

2023: Evolve & Solve

Effective organizations evolve to meet the changing needs of the communities they serve — a core value that’s guided our organization since its founding in 1985. In an ever-changing and complex world, innovation and evolution are critical to BlueHub’s success.

Explore the 2023 annual report

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2022: A Pattern of Partnership

The partnerships we have forged across the financial, community development, mortgage, energy and immigration industries are key to the work we do. They span the people and organizations that invest in us, those that invest with us and those in which we invest.

Explore the 2022 annual report

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2021: Take the Torch

2021 was a productive and exciting year for BlueHub Capital. We launched our newest nonprofit initiative, One Percent for America (OPA). While OPA takes the torch on citizenship financing, BlueHub’s existing programs are lighting the way in their respective industries.

Explore the 2021 annual report

BlueHub Financials

BlueHub Capital and its affiliates have maintained strong financial positions. We have over $1.3 billion in assets under management, and a self-sustainability ratio of 110% over the past 3 years.

BlueHub Capital Assets Under Management

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Consolidated financial statements for 2023: