Impact Ratings Quantified not Monetised: Catherine Dun Rappaport Co-leads Practitioner Discussion with IMP & Harvard Business Review's Idea Lab

August 24th, 2020

In 2019 and 2020, the Impact Management Project (IMP) held a series of online discussions with its Practitioner Community to debate three different aspects of impact management and valuation, which were impact monetization, impact ratings and standardization in impact management. BlueHub Capital's Vice President of Learning and Impact Measurement, co-led the second discussion topic in the series on impact ratings in the winter of 2020 with Mike McCreless, Head of Investor Collaboration at IMP.

The discussion, hosted in partnership with Harvard Business Review’s Idea Lab, took place with the IMP’s Practitioner Community and was facilitated through a series of interactive webinars (or “huddles”) to dive deeper into the complex issues surrounding the topic of impact ratings. The discussion sits on the Managing Impact online platform and the conversations around the usage, benefits and challenges of impact ratings have been captured and summarized in a discussion document that was recently published.

Click here to read the discussion summary on impact ratings.