Shining a light on the latest foreclosure data
Since Q1, foreclosures in some states have slowly crept up while other states have seen more significant jumps. Meanwhile, ATTOM Data shows that there’s still a huge disparity in Real Estate Owned (REO) sales from pre-pandemic to current levels. In January 2020, before the pandemic shut down the economy, total REO foreclosure sales in the 11 states we serve reached 27,456. By May 2022, that number was 974.
In hard-hit states like Connecticut and Illinois, this disparity likely means that the increase in initial filings has not yet made its way to Notice of Foreclosure Sale (NFS) filings. However, unless homeowners facing foreclosure find a solution, such as a modification from their servicer, selling their property, filing for bankruptcy or getting homeowner assistance funds, these and other states may see a similar increase in NFS filings and, ultimately, in foreclosure sales.