Having damaged credit negatively impacts your financial health, making it harder to qualify for mortgage loans and other debt at reasonable interest rates. Even if your credit is poor, you can rebuild your score over time. This opens the door to refinancing your mortgage, securing better rates, and saving more money each month.
If you're a BlueHub SUN client, you’re already on a path toward financial stability. The SUN program is a temporary solution—a steppingstone that gives you time and resources to rebuild your credit and finances. We encourage clients to prepare for the next step: exiting the program by refinancing or selling their property.
If you have a shared appreciation mortgage (SAM), it is important to remember that home values and appreciation may grow over time. Cleaning up your credit as soon as possible allows you to assess your options for paying off your SAM when the time is right. Over 40% of SUN clients have fully paid off their mortgage—and, if applicable, their SAM—successfully exiting the program and achieving greater financial stability These participants had an average of $150,000 in equity when they exited the SUN program.
This guide offers actionable, easy-to-follow credit improvement tactics. Rebuilding your credit is an essential step toward refinancing into a conventional mortgage with better terms. Even if you're not a SUN client, these steps will help you restore your credit and take control of your financial future. Small, consistent actions over time can lead to big results.